How to Make Succulent Leaves Sprout Quickly

🔻🔺 Propagation is one of the great joys of growing succulents. However, have you noticed that when you remove the leaves, the results aren't always what you expected?

🔻🔺 It seems that leaves might have a mind of their own: Some only grow roots, while others only sprout.

🔻🔺 If you want succulent leaves to sprout quickly, make sure to do it during the spring or autumn seasons. Choose healthy and thick leaves for propagation and carefully break them off horizontally without wiggling them side to side, as this can damage the growth point. Then, place the succulent leaves in a cool, well-ventilated area to dry. Once the cut on the leaves has dried, place them flat on the surface of moist soil with the leaf side facing up. Keep them in diffused light and observe the soil; if the surface turns white, lightly mist with water until the succulent leaves take root and sprout.

Here are the detailed steps to follow:

  1. First, select healthy and plump leaves. Then, use your thumb and index finger to gently grip the succulent leaf and break it off horizontally. Place the broken leaf in a cool and well-ventilated area to dry.
  2. During the care process, prepare well-draining and airy potting soil. Mix decomposed leaf soil with granular soil in an appropriate ratio, then moisten the soil. The soil should be moist but not too wet.
  3. After the cut on the succulent leaf dries, place the leaf flat on the moist soil surface with the leaf side up. Place the pot in a location with diffused light and good air circulation. Observe the soil surface; when it turns white, mist a little water until the succulent leaf grows roots.
  4. Once the succulent leaf has rooted, you can gently cover the roots with soil. Continue watering lightly and ensuring good drainage until the mother plant of the succulent produces roots and sprouts. Gradually increase light exposure by moving the pot to a location with direct sunlight. Provide normal care for the succulent to ensure its healthy growth.
  5. To make succulent leaves sprout quickly, be sure to choose the appropriate season for leaf cuttings, such as spring or autumn. These two seasons have ideal temperatures and a high success rate for rooting. Just be mindful to maintain a well-ventilated environment to prevent the mother succulent from rotting.
How to propagate succulent plants from leaves

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My propagations are leggy what am I doing wrong

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